The newest addition to my review is this absolutely fantastic baby pink "Fleurs de fuchsia" scarf, which gives a very lush and very rich sensation to the discriminating eye.
Although pink does not flatter every complexion, this is a great item for anyone appreciating and able to sport pastel colours. Of interest is the impact of the sparse design on the material, featuring the fabric itself in all its splendor (in my experience, the majority of the designs are so rich that the admirer is tempted to forget the actual "canvas" and focus exclusively on the picture, whereas with designs such as this one, the actual fabric takes center stage as well and adds to the impression of purity and voluptuousness).

Another visual feast, dedicated to a very dear friend of mine who continues to believe in me and to encourage me and support me in all my endeavours. In this regard, this scarf is a celebration of accomplishments and of profound and meaningful human connections - including spiritual connections. She is the kind of friend whom I understand (and "get") and with whom I communicate without the use of words.
Dragutica. nu prea ma dau in vant dupa modele minuscule, mi se par de fetita si usor banale. In plus, Hermes s-a impus prin modele maiestuoase.Pe de alta parte genul asta de esarfe fara imprimeu greu, sunt mult mai usor de asortat. Culoarea roz e superba.
ReplyDeletethis one looks absolutely fabulous as a blouse, knotted by two adjacent corners, around the neck, and secured around the waist with a belt....