Saturday, February 7, 2009

Collection FW2007: In the Pocket

Another variation on the theme of "In the Pocket" is this truly phenomenal scarf, depicting an outstanding taupe background. The little objects that are forgotten in corners of our pockets - coins, paper clips, buttons, the corner of a newspaper, an elastic - are active story tellers, their murmur bringing our experiences past back to life. A remarkably distinguished and exceptionally elegant colour that renders this design one as of the most exquisite scarves ever produced. The designer, the very talented Leigh P. Cooke.


  1. foarte draguta e asta, sunt opere de arta

  2. culorile mi se par absolut fenomenale, si asta in mod special ! multumesc frumos pentru aprecieri ! povestea acestei esarfe e ca dupa ani de zile, lucrurile marunte uitate prin colturile buzunarelor ne aduc aminte de evenimentele din trecut...
